Speaking Engagements
Agile Online @ PlayStation (Keynote)
"Powering Up Remote Meetings and Trainings"
A presentation on tips, tricks, and techniques for making meetings and trainings more effective in the remote era of COVID.
SpringOne 2020 (Remote)
"Leading Engineers To Water"
A talk on the art and science behind coaching engineers delivered from the perspective of an engineer who happens to be working as a coach.
Scrum Fest Osaka 2021 (Remote)
"A Problem Appears! Let's Practice Agile through Gaming"
A presentation in Japanese language discussing several approaches to learning scrum through the power of digital and analog gaming.
Session Speaker - Regional Scrum Gathering Tokyo 2023
Session Speaker - Target InnerCON - December 2022
Guest - Agile Games Twin Cities - March 2022
Guest - Mob Mentality Podcast - Codehort and Coaching: Empowering Your Engineers
Guest - Tuesdays With Andrea Podcast - Just Because You Can Doesn't Mean You Should
Session Speaker - Regional Scrum Gathering Tokyo 2021 - remote
Session Speaker - Scrum Fest Mikawa 2020 - remote
Session Speaker - Target innerCON 2020 - remote
Session Speaker - Scrum Fest Osaka 2020
Session Speaker - Regional Scrum Gathering Tokyo 2020 - Tokyo, Japan
Session Speaker - THATConference 2019 - Wisconsin Dells, WI
Session Speaker - DevOpsDays Tokyo 2019 - Tokyo, Japan
Session Speaker - Minnebar 2019 - Minneapolis, MN
Session Speaker - Minnebar 2018 - Minneapolis, MN
Session Speaker - IGDATC 2016 - Minneapolis, MN
Indie Selection Presenter - Astral Breakers - Tokyo Game Show 2015 - Tokyo, Japan